Thursday, January 7, 2010

C'est La Vie

I can't sleep. Its not that I have a serious problem. I just don't want to dream. Dreams are so misleading. They create hope. Hope can give you a reason to live, something or someone to look forward to, but when it turns around and the little hope inside fails you, well what can I say, it's painful. Hope creates illusions, of what you want, and of what you cannot have.
Ah well........ Such is life.


  1. But life without dreams is like a person without any objective. If you dont dream big, when will anything ever become a reality?

  2. You know Thongy, now that I'm reading it again.... it's really funny man. Jumping from one thing to another... and then abruptly said Such is life. By the way C'est La Vie means Such is Life
